Financial Literacy

OpenDoors offers financial literacy assistance as part of our case management and free tax preparation and electronic filing services to our clients and their families.  These services are designed to compliment other services offered in the Resource Center (including employment classes, computer proficiency classes, and womens' and men's support groups) to provide our clients with holistic support as they seek a stability and security. 

Financial Literacy assistance is offered in conjunction with housing and/or job coaching.   Basic financial literacy skills include creating a spending plan (budgeting), keeping track of financial documents, preparing for tax season, and setting financial goals. Participants will have an opportunity to retrieve a copy of their credit report following participation in the program, and can receive individualized help addressing debt.

For more information about our financial literacy services, stop by or call 401.781.5808. During tax season, call 401-214-1807 for our VITA tax program.